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New York City Center

Dear Friend of City Center,

On May 15 of this past year, I wrote the following on social media:

This was hard. This was special. This was lightning in a bottle. I love my cast mates. I love these audiences that receive this show with the joy and tenderness of children. I am so grateful for all of it.

I didn’t know then that the Encores! production of Into the Woods would stay with me, and us, for months to come in a beautiful Broadway transfer. All I knew was the glorious whirlwind of a City Center Encores! production: the creative fire of the cast and crew, the sweeping Encores! Orchestra, and the audiences like you who packed to the rafters and gave us such astonishing support.

Today, I’m asking you to support City Center one more time. Yes, Into the Woods was “just a moment”—but it was a moment that mattered to me and (I hope) to many of you. This Giving Tuesday, I hope you will consider making a gift of any size to City Center to ensure they can create more moments like this one for years to come.

On behalf of my fellow performing artists and the wonderful team at City Center, thank you. You’re the reason we do what we do.


Sara Bareilles

Make a contribution of $250 or more to City Center's year-end campaign and you’ll receive a custom-embroidered City Center baseball hat!