• Announcements: Auditions: Summer Intensive; 2020-2021 Pre-Professional Division Auditions; Young Dancer Workshop, 2020 Summer Camps, 2020 Summer Classes, Scheduled Breaks, Family Observation Week, Weather Policy
• Performances: All-Academy Production of Coppélia, Saturday Soirée, Coppélia Production Resources, YAGP, Young Dancers Competition
• Healthy Dancer: Children's Hospital Articles—Sustenance on the Slopes & Sportsmanship Tips
Photo by Francisco Estevez
Colorado Ballet Academy’s 2020 Summer Intensive Auditions continue! Eligible CBA students are invited to attend our Summer Intensive and must audition in order to be placed. The audition is free of charge for CBA students.
Auditions will be held at Colorado Ballet Academy on February 16 and March 8. It is highly recommended to attend the February 16 audition as slots are filling up. There is no guarantee of availability by the March 8 audition. Current CBA students wanting to register for Summer Intensive auditions should follow the directions sent via email on December 10, 2019. If you did not receive the email, please contact the Academy.
Please remember CBA will not be holding regularly scheduled Academy classes (including Adult Open Classes) during the following dates:
• February 26 – 29, 2020
• March 30 – April 4, 2020
Please join us March 23-28 for Observation Week! You’re invited to come to class to see first-hand what the students are learning. Specific observation times and days will be announced soon. We hope you’re able to make it!
Photos and video recording are permitted and encouraged during observation class.
Colorado Ballet Academy will cancel classes due to inclement weather when conditions are deemed unsafe to travel and/or Denver Public Schools close. We strictly follow DPS closures and delays, but some exceptions may be made with our afternoon/evening classes.
While every effort is made to notify families by email, this is not always an efficient process. Here are some valuable resources:
• Notices will be posted on CBA’s social media accounts: Instagram & Facebook.
• The voicemail for the main Academy line 303.339.1623 will be changed to reflect closings.
• As staff may be working remotely due to travel conditions, it is best to email academy@coloradoballet.org for questions regarding weather related closures.
• For morning classes, every attempt will be made to announce closures by 8:00am. For afternoon/evening classes, every attempt will be made to announce closures by 12:00pm.
• These cancellations will not count as an absence.
• Additionally, if CBA has not announced a closure and you feel unsafe traveling to class please email academy@coloradoballet.org if you will be absent. It will not be counted as an absence.
The Raydean Acevedo Colorado Ballet Academy presents the full-length ballet, Coppélia. All students enrolled in Levels 1 through Pre-Professional Division will perform on May 23, 2020, at the Ellie Caulkins Opera House. This beloved, comic ballet will be celebrating its 150th Anniversary on May 25. Colorado Ballet Academy is happy to share this amazing performance opportunity with our students.
Please make sure you are buying tickets directly from the Colorado Ballet site, not from a third party seller.
Our March Saturday Soirée will feature the Student Choreography Project facilitated by Erica Fischbach, Colorado Ballet Academy Director and Domenico Luciano, Colorado Ballet Academy Principal.
If you were unable to attend the Parent Meeting on January 25, 2020, here are a few items you may have missed.
Download a copy of the Coppélia Parent Information Packet. This is updated from what was handed out at the parent meeting. This has contact information, a synopsis of the ballet and more!
We are seeking parent volunteers to help with various costuming and production needs. Parents interested in volunteering can indicate interest in volunteer opportunities via the online form.
Promote your business by purchasing ad space and wish your dancer good luck with a shout out in the 2020 Spring production program book! The program book will be passed out at the performances at Ellie Caulkins Opera House on May 23.
If you would like to have more than one email on the general contact list for future Coppélia information including T-Shirts, Flower orders and more, please fill out the email List online form.
Denver Ballet Guild is hosting their annual Young Dancers Competition the first weekend in March. Colorado Ballet Academy will be sending 56 students to take Master Classes and compete selected variations with their peers in the Denver dance community.
A day on the slopes can burn a lot of calories, which is why it’s important to fuel and hydrate your body regularly throughout the day to keep your energy up. From lunch to a snack, here are some foods you might want to pack.
Emotions run high in sports. As a parent, you want to see your kid do well, and it’s easy to become angry and vocal when you feel a poor call was made by the coach or referee. But your actions can have a long-term effect on your kid, so try these tips instead.