Photo Credit: Oguquit Playhouse – Vinny Celeiro, Matthew Marks, Alex Nordin, William Selby, Andrew Norlen, Jarrod Emick, Nicolas de la Vega. Photo by Gary Ng

September 28-October 30, 2016 | Topfer Theatre

  |  Thursday, September 29 at 7:30 p.m. 

Post-Show Discussion and Sign Interpreted Night  |  Wednesday, October 5 at 7:30 p.m.

Champagne Opening Night  |  Thursday, October 6 at 7:30 p.m.


Priscilla, Queen of the Desert Director's Notes

Welcome to the fabulous world of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. Based on the 1994 cult movie, the musical has taken a long journey from Australia to London’s West End, to Toronto, and finally Broadway. From there, companies opened in Brazil, Italy, Greece, Sweden, Korea, New Zealand, and the Philippines. The show has inspired much of the world to shake its “groove thing” and ZACH is now one of the first regional theatres in the US to produce it. Kicking off our “Let’s Party!” season, Priscilla was chosen to provide a hopeful diversion from election madness and pre-holiday insanity. 

The writer/director of the film, Stephan Elliott worked with co-writer Allan Scott to expand his original screenplay for the stage and create opportunities for more music. Jukebox musicals often get a bad rap but in Priscilla the three leading characters make their living lip-synching to popular songs. The songs provide the party atmosphere and help the narrative in surprising ways. They also inspire elaborate Busby Berkeley style production numbers that fill in for the expansive beauty of the Australian Outback our road tripping leading ladies are traveling through. 

The trip I took with Sophisticated Ladies choreographer Dominique Kelley and Musical Director Allen Robertson has been a creative and wonderful ride. And the Capitol City continues to be a reservoir of diverse talent. Though we have guest artists from all over the map, the greater part of our dedicated marvelous cast live and work in Austin. They faced many challenges including “Doing everything backwards and in high heels." In many cultures, men who lived as women were considered vital sacred beings: Shamans. They were the keepers of myths and these myths teach and remind us what is important in life. Actors are much like that. They fill their characters with their whole selves to hopefully make us feel and see life differently, to remind us of what is important. 

Adding to that alchemy was a “corroboreee” of theatre artists, crafts people, technicians, and laborers. This was a large daunting project in many ways. Priscilla's costumes, props and scenery have filled every nook and cranny of our campus and even outgrew our space. Those of you who know our Whisenhunt Stage wouldn’t have recognized it as the seats were temporarily removed to make room for fitting and altering the over 500 costumes pieces, shoes, and wigs. 

The ZACH Production Team, Designers, Crew, and Staff came together in full passionate force and have given beyond their best to produce this show. 

I always say that it takes a village to create theatre. I am grateful to have experienced the sense of community that Priscilla has inspired at ZACH. Like the journey within the show, I have found friendship, family, and have been lifted by this “village.” I hope you experience the same, celebrate yourselves and find compassion for those who are brave enough to be comfortable in their own skin, and when in doubt, “shake your groove thing!"

  Follow Priscilla Party Bus Tunes on Spotify.

Conceptual Scenic Renderings by Stanley A. Meyer

The Set for Priscilla, Queen of the Desert

The staggering and elaborate scenic design for Priscilla, Queen of the Desert is designed by Stanley A. Meyer. Other scenic design credits include World Premieres of Disney's Beauty and the Beast (Broadway); Aida (Alliance Theatre); Treasure Island (Arkansas Rep.). American Premieres: From Here to Eternity, Saturday Night Fever (Finger Lakes musical Theatre Festival).

In Our Community

The Price is directed by Fritz Ketchum

Starring Scott Galbreath, Amanda Cooley Davis, Rick Smith, and David R. Jarrott.  

Jarrott Productions begins its second season with Arthur Miller’s The Price. Originally produced on Broadway in 1968, The Price is one of Miller’s most personal plays. It deals with the legacy of the past and the price of life’s choices, a look at the ways we are liberated or trapped by those we love. The Price will be performed at Trinity Street Theatre at 9th and Trinity in downtown Austin September 28-October 22; performance times are 7:30pm Wednesday-Saturday and 2:30pm Sunday. Get tickets now at

Click on photo for a sneak peek video of The Price.

Priscilla, Queen of the Desert Sponsors

2016-17 Season Sponsors

This project is supported in part by The Cultural Arts Division of the City of Austin Economic Development Department.