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Don't miss the opportunity to reach new families this Summer!

Summer is a time where many families will uproot and move into new communities before the start a new school year, and there will likely be new families in your community who are looking for a new home church. Are you prepared with an effective plan to reach those families?

New families can be reached in a number of ways, including social media, word-of-mouth and organized community events. One of the most effective methods of outreach, however, continues to be the strategic use of printed marketing material. A printed piece provides a great opportunity to extend an invitation, introduce your unique church family and provide information to new families about how they can get connected.

At DOCEO, we understand how important printing is to church outreach, and we have seen far too many churches being restrained by inflated printing costs. We have come up with innovative programs, specifically to help churches save on their monthly copier expenses.

Take 3 minutes to fill out a short form to find out if your church qualifies for our Unlimited Copies Program!