March 2024 | View in browser
A Common Murre (Scientific: Uria aalge), (Kokiak Sugt'stun: Sak'itaq), peeking underwater on habitat at the Alaska SeaLife Center. Photo Credit: ASLC.
The Mission of CORaL
The CORaL Network empowers our region by collaborating, learning from one another, and sharing scientific, cultural, and traditional knowledge. We foster community co-creation and responsiveness to meet the needs of our partners and their service communities.
CORaL Network representatives gathered in Anchorage for the Alaska Marine Science Symposium.
Cristina Reo (PWSSC), Natalie Sotelo (ASLC), and Robin McKnight (CRRC) staff the CORaL booth.
Alexa Helm (CACS) chats with visitors at the CORaL booth.
Katie Gavenus (CACS) and Dehrich Chya (AMAR) present at AMSS on a collaboration for learning through culture, language, art, and science.
Robin McKnight (CRRC) and Rosemary Aviste (ASLC) prepare for small group discussion.
Lauren Bien (PWSSC) shares CORaL projects with workshop participants. Photo Credits: CORaL Network.
The 2023 CCE group poses with members of the U.S. Forest Service dusky Canada goose monitoring team at a nest island site in the Copper River Delta near Cordova. Photo Credit: Eden McCall.
About the CCE Program
Ways to Engage
UAF researcher Hannah Kepner and Coastal Studies educator Katie Gavenus prepare a classroom demonstration of a modified DPI (Deep-Focus Particle Imager) camera to simulate how plankton images are captured in the deep sea.
Whittier School middle and high schoolers identify and categorize plankton based on their observations under microscopes.
Katie Gavenus (CACS educator) engages Whittier Elementary students in a discussion of how plate tectonics affect the land and environment of Alaska and Prince William Sound. Photo Credits: CACS.
The Prince William Sound Science Center in freshly fallen snow. Photo Credit: PWSSC.
Chugach Regional Resources Commission
Alaska SeaLife Center
Alutiiq Museum and Archaeological Repository
Prince William Sound Science Center
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The Alaska SeaLife Center generates and shares scientific knowledge to promote understanding and stewardship of Alaska's marine ecosystems.
Alaska SeaLife Center 301 Railway Ave PO Box 1329 Seward, AK 99664