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Influence is a powerful thing.

Over the past several decades, there has developed a growing mentality that the church is antiquated and stuck in tradition. Many churches have made drastic structural and internal changes to their own church experience to adapt to the contemporary culture.

Is your church adapting to the changing times of today? 

Each income provider in a family is now relying on multiple income sources to just pay their bills. This impacts more than just a person's financial situation, but also their lifestyle, priorities and more.

Today, as churches often need to minister with less money, they are seeking opportunities that people will want to give to. These are typically causes that people can personally relate to.

With so many irregular attenders, churches are looking outside the traditional main service for other opportunities to meet needs or have deeper study/fellowship offerings throughout the week.

While it may seem that the commitment level in people has changed, it's more likely that the way people make commitments has changed. Many churches have embraced this change by finding new things for people to commit to, adjusting the expectations, or finding new ways to ask for commitment.

As our culture continues to change, so will the church in many ways. One thing that should always remain constant, however, is the solid foundation of teaching that the church is built upon.

Interested to know how current trends in office technology are allowing churches to run more efficiently? Give us a call and ask to speak with one of our Technology Consultants.